
Sassy skating

Today I only had one assignment for The Sun - to shoot Sassy, a 13-year-old Maltese who acts as a "merchant mascot" at a stained glass gallery in Micanopy, Fla. She sits atop the counter and greets customers as they walk through the door. But while the assignment went well and I got to photograph a really cute dog, shooting dogs sitting atop counters isn't exactly the most exciting thing in the world. So afterward I headed to the skatepark where the real action was. I've been busy and haven't been able to go feature hunting on my own in a couple weeks now, so it was definitely refreshing. I ended up meeting three cool kids who visit the skatepark pretty much every day. They reminded me of me when I was 15 years old and when my life was also dominated by skateboarding. Also, I've really been in a black and white mood lately, so enjoy.

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