
Leap of faith

So today I went to this gigantic quarry near Alachua and found a couple daring brothers who were jumping four stories into the water below. This photo does not do the height justice.


Morning bike ride

Today I woke up at 6:30 a.m. (on my day off!) and biked to Paynes Prairie for some photos. It's amazing how much easier it is to wake up early when I don't have to go to work. Anyhow, the weather was beautiful and it was a nice little vacation from life. Hope you enjoy!


St. Augustine getaway

Because I got the weekend off work (which practically never happens. Ever.) Jenny and I went to St. Augustine! I forget how much beauty exists just an hour and a half from Gainesville. We spent the day walking through the touristy parts, eating the best fries on the planet (clearly they didn't factor in Five Guys'), playing with pigeons at the fort, and then spending the rest of the afternoon at the beach. Oh! And we had ice cream after all was said and done. Needless to say, we had a wonderful time. Here are some photos I took with the GoPro at the beach. I also took a lot of video so maybe if I ever get some time to edit it down I will post something else on here. But for now, I hope you enjoy our enjoyment : ) Peace!


The Keys-knees

Just got back from an amazing time in the Florida Keys with an even more amazing family. It's going to be difficult getting used to normal life again after waking up each morning to go catch lobster in the Gulf. And it's going to be even more difficult getting used to regular meals again after eating fresh fish and lobster for dinner every night. Oh well, at least I have some pictures to remember it by! Enjoy!



Today I helped out my friend, who is the photo editor at the Independent Alligator, and took some Memorial Day photos for the paper tomorrow. Each year, chapter 14 of the Gainesville Veterans for Peace sets up 6,660 paper tombstones in remembrance of the U.S. Department of Defense Iraq and Afghanistan casualties along a long stretch of NW 8th Street in Gainesville, Fla. So that's where I went! Enjoy.


Natural therapy

So as you may or may not have noticed, I haven't shot anything in a while. A couple months at least. And really there is no reason for it except that I just needed a break. But tonight a couple friends and I went to La Chua Trail at Paynes Prairie to do a little nature photography. I prefer taking pictures of people, which is why I got into photojournalism; but since I haven't shot anything in a couple months, I thought nature would be a stress-free and relaxing way to ease myself back into it. And as it turned out, I had a wonderful time. I couldn't have asked for a more beautiful day, and although it's not what I normally shoot, I found it almost therapeutic to shoot something for the fun of it for a change. Enjoy!


Another Floridian Christmas

Finally back in Gainesville after a wonderful week in Orlando and an equally wonderful week in Bradenton. My last semester at UF starts in four days (I know I keep thinking every semester is my last, but this time it is the truth. I promise) and I couldn't be more ready for an end to my academic career. Then who knows where life will take me?! But anyways, here are some shots from the Bradenton part of my break. I never liked Florida very much until I discovered Bradenton, but now I know there is at least one place in the Sunshine State with much more to offer than just humidity and thunderstorms. Enjoy!