
Showdown in Jacksonville

I went to Jacksonville this weekend to shoot the Florida/Georgia game for the first time ever. As a matter of fact it was my first time shooting any college football game, so it was a really cool experience. Even though it involved a 17-hour day with virtually no food and the Gators losing their first game of the season, it was still a fun time and a great atmosphere to photograph. I even got a decent shot of the crucial Jordan Reed fumble at the five-yard line that cost the Gators the game! I'm still really disappointed that we lost, but I suppose these things happen. After last year, I wouldn't have even guessed we'd be having this great of a season. Anyhow, enjoy!


Down down do your thing do your thing

Here's a photo I took of Lewis Clayton about a year ago that for some reason I never got around to posting. Cowboying isn't the only thing he enjoys doing.

"I love to dance ... I go out every Saturday night and dance, and it's good for the heart and it's good for the soul and it's good for the body and the mind," he said.


Gainesville cowboying

For those of you who do not know, Lewis Clayton is a local cowboy here in Gainesville. I did a multimedia project about him a year ago for my advanced I class, and recently decided that doing a little piece on him for The Sun would be interesting. So I pitched the idea to my editor, who said he is going to ask the features desk if they would like to write a story about him to go along with my photos. Hopefully it works out, but if nothing else, at least I will have a super sweet gallery to post on the Sun's website. Here are some photos I took of Clayton yesterday morning... Enjoy!


Fair well, Summer

For most states in the north, Summer has been dead and gone for some time now. They're probably already preparing to scrape snow and ice from their cars. But down in Florida, Summer is gradually fading away. The air is cool and crisp, the sun is becoming a deeper orange, and the Fall county fair is here at last. Before you know it, sweaters will even be coming out of closets! Doesn't get much sweeter than this. Enjoy!


George Costanza

Jason Alexander, more commonly known for his role as George Costanza on the television sitcom "Seinfeld," speaks to students for the Obama campaign at the University of Florida Hillel on Wednesday, Oct. 10, 2012, in Gainesville, Fla.


Fun and feet

Had a wonderful weekend with Jenny in Bradenton, her home town. Can't sum it up in words, so here are some pictures instead!

PS. I'm working on the foot tan